How to avoid the silent ticking time bomb in relationships - You will learn what happens when communication breaks and overwhelm happens in a relationship. We call this the petty offense file. When a woman feels dishonored or has hurt feelings, overwhelm happens which can tear apart a relationship. We show you how to heal a relationship where the partnership or communication has been broken and how to avoid this silent ticking time bomb that can destroy your relationship.
Restoring Partnership and Connection: Once there has been an explosion, an outburst of anger, or even the silent treatment, what next?
This can be a defining point. In this program you will learn the best partnership choices to healing a broken line of trust, or lack of communication, or needs not being met. If we don’t heal this part, there are consequences of dishonor and mistrust that will circle around the relationship and end up tearing it apart unless this restoration happens as listed in this module.